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Gojo & Purell

It is now common knowledge that Gojo Industries (the manufactures of Purell) have gone into administration and have withdrawn from the UK/European market with immediate effect.

Unfortunately, there is virtually no stock available to purchase, most of this has been distributed to the NHS. As a result, you will need to consider changing over to one of our other dispensing systems.

Please telephone 01384 671505 to discuss this further with one of our helpful sales team.


Call our helpful team: 01384 671505


Dispensing System


Face Masks and Hand Sanitizers

The World Health Organisation has issued several recommendations, to best assist in the reduction of viral outbreaks. This predominantly revolves around good levels of hand hygiene; washing hands thoroughly and regularly with soap solutions. Where hand hygiene stations may not be readily available, the use of alcohol based sanitizer gels is generally recommended.